Out of the heart the mouth speaks

Fly My Winged Child
Through the eyes of a Flying Fijian mum

Bula Vinaka, Konichiwa and Hello from Tokyo

The Rugby World Cup 2019 is now in full swing. The rugby tournament where thousands or perhaps millions of supporters and rugby enthusiasts have converged into Japan to witness the sport of Rugby play out at its' highest level on the World's biggest stage.

Webb Ellis Trophy
Players from 16 countries have come to compete for the highly sought after coveted trophy, the Web Ellis Cup.

I have now been  here in Japan for several days where I have attended two of our Flying Fijian games, tasted the nations beautiful delicacies and traveled up north by subway trains, Aeroplanes, buses, taxi's and bullet trains. I feel extremely blessed.

As a parent of a Flying Fijian  I am counting my blessings for the opportunity that I have to be able to not just travel around Japan but to witness all their pool games thus far as well as  have the opportunity to meet the players at their jersey presentation and be there as moral support post their matches.

I have come to know most of the members of this team quite well. Some from the games leading up to the RWC 2015 and during the last RWC 2015 tournament through to the lead up games of this years' RWC to present day. I have been moved by their passion for the game but more importantly for their families and for the people of Fiji. I have been doubly blessed that some of them are comfortable enough to call me mum, Nei, Aunty and Nau. It is a blessing to be here.

Like many other family members who are also here, we celebrate with our Flying Fijians their victories and grieve with them during their losses. And unfortunately it has been mostly moments of disappointment and grieving that we have shared with them as a result of their recent losses to Australia and Uruguay.

I have sat back and have read the comments that have gone back and forth from critics and  supporters of these Flying Fijians about their recent losses particularly their game against Uruguay. And whilst I understand that there is so much disappointment that has now been experienced by many who love our young men, it is a disappointment that has and will forever be etched into the hearts of these players because they will always remember that this all happened on their watch. The rest of us will get on with our lives but it is these men who will forever live with this.

As a mother of one of the Flying Fijians that was part of this team that lost to Uruguay, I can tell you this much; the hurt and disappointment that they carry are not their own but that of a nation that they realise they have sorely disappointed.

I was here to witness this and to experience this myself. You could see it in their eyes, you could almost feel their hearts and soul when you went in for a hug. As much as you may not hear this from their mouths, it is through the team's entire persona that they are indeed sorry for disappointing you, our beloved people of Fiji.

But our Flying Fijians are warriors and will rise up to continue on with this battle.

This may not mean much to you but all I ask is this.

Before you utter your next words about this team and its' coaching staff, please remember that he is someone's son, father, husband, grandson, brother, nephew or cousin. If you need to vent, let it be constructive and not personal. Just remember, you may have a son, daughter, brother, nephew, niece, sister, mother, grandchild that may find themselves representing a sport on a world stage some day. Think about how you would feel if you had your loved one subjected to all the verbal abuse similar to what these young men have had to endure. For whatever one sows one will reap in due season.

I am hoping that by the time I released this chapter of my blog, we would have all moved on ready to cheer on our boys for their next game against Georgia in Osaka on Thursday 3 October.

Thank you for your continued support.

Keep believing, Keep Praying Fiji.



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