Dream the Impossible Dream

Fly My Winged Child
Through the eyes of a Flying Fijian mum

It is just after midnight here in Sapporo and I am finding it very difficult to sleep because of the excitement of Fiji's first game against Australia here at the Rugby World Cup (RWC) 2019.
Flying Fijian Backs

Tonight we got to witness the Flying Fijian's jersey presentation which was inspiring, encouraging and highly motivating. I have been fortunate enough to have attended a number of jersey presentations in the past but there was something quite different about tonight's event.

I left feeling hopeful and confident about tomorrow's match. The boys were relaxed and there was a real sense of unity among the team. They didn't expect for such a large number of supporters to show up tonight but there were a lot of us which I believe was a pleasant surprise. You could tell how much they appreciated the supporters showing up tonight.

Hymns that were sung by our Flying Fijians were not only sung so well but every word was heartfelt. Hymn - Au rai vei kemuni ( i look to you Lord)

This was then followed by a sermon by the Team Pastor who shared the importance of knowing and understanding your responsibility when you are entrusted in something. In this case for our Flying Fijians the National Jersey is what they have been entrusted with. What they do with it, is up to them but with every jersey that is worn, comes an expectation. All they need to do is to believe that nothing is impossible. They were also reminded of the story of David and Goliath in that they were chosen for such a time as this as was David. They are Giant Slayers!

Coach John McKee was then  asked to present the boys their jerseys followed by a speech that was encouraging and inspiring. 

A video put together by the Fiji Rugby was then screened.  It was the motivational video and who else to motivate a Flying Fijian than family. It was brilliant! Motivational Video

What an evening it has been and whilst Fiji are heading into this game as the underdogs I am believing for the impossible!

For parents like myself of a Flying Fijian, I can only imagine what must be going on in everyone's minds particularly for parents, wives, and children alike.

For me personally, chatting to Ben and some of the other boys, has provided me with some insight of the mood of the team. The team is excited! They are game ready; ready for battle.

Our Flying Fijians RWC 2019 Team
So, to my Flying Fijian son Ben and to the rest of our Flying Fijian sons, coaching staff, physio and management, this is my song to you.

Dream the impossible dream, fight the unbeatable foe and run where the brave dare not go.

#itsfijistime #giantslayers #tosovititoso 


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