The Inner Circle

Fly My Winged Child
Through the eyes of a Flying Fijian mum

Konichiwa from Sapporo!

Leaving Sydney without my son Milan (the Younger Volavola) was tough because this was something he was looking forward to. Milan has recently landed a new role in the accounting firm he works for and because of this he made the decision to stay back in Australia. He may not be traveling with me but I know he is with us in spirit.

Sitting in the plane on my way to Narita via Singapore, I sent a text to Ben to advise that I was on my way. “Yahoo!!” was his reply. I am so looking forward to seeing him and the team.

This has been a long time coming – 4 years to be precise. With the ups and downs that life throws at us, we continue to rise. Such is the life of a Flying Fijian. Similarly to our Island brothers from Tonga and Samoa, the Flying Fijians do not have the luxury of first-class travel like many of the other nations do. But regardless of how they got here and where they have come from, the Flying Fijians can play just as well as the best when given the chance. And this is their chance!

Queues of people landing in Narita
Arriving into Narita Airport was an experience. With so many people ascending into the land of the rising sun, I was beginning to worry as to whether Japan was ready for the invasion of the thousands dare I say millions of rugby fans. There were queues of people waiting to get through immigration and whilst it took a while, I eventually did.

The experience so far has been great. In fact, the people of Japan are so very welcoming despite the language barrier and are always willing to help.

Sushi heaven
It is my first visit to Japan and the expectation of having fresh sushi every day is going to be a dream come true. In fact we landed ourselves last night in what I called ‘Sushi Heaven’. But as much as I can eat sushi till I am blue in the face, it is the game between Fiji and Australia which I am looking forward to the most.

The Flying Fijians to face Australia
It was Thursday afternoon here in Japan when I had heard the team had been announced. And like every other Flying Fijian parent who is excited for their child, I am happy for Ben. Am I nervous? Of course I am! In fact, on my way to Japan I kept thinking to myself, why do I put myself through this?  The anxiety of a parent, the nerves and the heart palpitations are real. But thank God that I can switch my mindset to remind myself that this is a dream that my son is living out. If anything, I am grateful.

Cathy and I
Heading back to Narita Airport to catch my flight to Sapporo, I am now accompanied by my childhood best friend Catherine Kumar (nee Fong). We’ve known each other for over 37 years so she gets a special mention here. We have planned to do this trip together for the last two years and the beauty about this is that we get to finally celebrate our 50th birthday together although it happened for me in May and for Cathy in September.

On our way to the airport, I am reminded of the people who have stood by me and my sons. Those who have helped me financially and spiritually. These folks are my inner circle.

When you are doing life on your own, I have learnt how important it is to be around people who will build you up and encourage you rather than those who will only find fault and try to pull you down.

One of my ex bosses use to say, “Ema if you want to fly to great heights, you should choose to hang with the eagles and not dabble with the chickens.” In other words, like eagles you will soar if you choose to hang with the eagles.

And my inner circle are eagles. They each hold their own in their circles of profession be it stay at home parents, Human Resource Training and Development expert, Retiree, Hotel Manager, Receptionist and Administrative Assistant, Carers, Accountant, Business Manager, Lawyer, NGO consultant, Registered Nurses, Business Owner,  Business Consultant, Army Officer, CEOs' and Pastors.

They have each added to my life and the lives of my children to which I am forever grateful.

Prior to their Captain's run
On our way to Sapporo to our Air BNB, I sent a text message to Ben to see how he and the team are tracking. They are about to head out on their Captain’s run and they are all in good spirits.  

I am now in Sapporo having caught a plane and two trains to my place of accommodation. Tonight is the Flying Fijians traditional jersey presentation where the players get given their jerseys and we have a church service. I am excited that I get to witness  and be part of this special event tonight.

So, to my inner circle, family and friends who are reading this, thank you for your love and support.

I am hoping to interview a couple of our Flying Fijians tonight which I will then upload on my blog.

Thank you again for coming on this ride with me. See you soon!
#itsfijistime #tosovititoso


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